
Register now for the conference!

Early bird until 10 February 2020.

Modern Movement and Digital Challenges
6. March 2020 | Akademie der Künste |  Hanseatenweg 10, 10557 Berlin-Tiergarten | Germany

DOCOMOMO Deutschland, the Detmold School of Architecture and Interior Architecture (TH OWL) invite you to the 17th DOCOMOMO Germany Conference. It is the second event in Berlin and for the first time it will take part in the Akademie der Künste. In this context, the conference will take place in a new format as a combination of invited keynote speeches and selected scientific lectures – in 2019 with the the


In three thematic blocks the international conference in Berlin will discuss different aspects of digitisation related to archives, museum, social media, planning and design tools. The focus is less on the technical aspects of digitals aspects but is asking on how digital tools can help to involve different stakeholders to communicate and disseminate the concepts, visions and impulses emanating from modern movement.


The invited keynote speakers Matthias Sauerbruch (Sauerbruch Hutton) and Donatella Fioretti / José Gutierrez Marquez (Bruno Fioretti Marquez Architekten) will present own projects and comment on these questions and in particular introduce the role of architecture as a planning and design discipline. 


In the evening the photographer Jean Molitor will present his movie "Wettlauf gegen die Zeit" to discuss his approach of using photography as a mean to raise awareness about the role of architecture for community-building with the speakers and the public.
Selected photographs are presented in the foyer during the event.


The event will be accompanied by excursions to sites of  post-war modernism in Berlin. These take place on Thursday, 5 March 2020 and on Saturday, 7 March 2020 before and after the conference: Architecture Faculty with Architecture Museum and Akademie der Künste. Further information will be annouced later.


Akademie der Künste | Hanseatenweg 10, 10557 Berlin-Tiergarten | Germany


Professional Ticket                                                      150 €
Professional Ticket (Early Bookers | until 31.01.20)      100 €
Member of German Chamber of Architects                   100 €
Member of DOCOMOMO I TH OWL                                  75 €
Student, Graduate and PhD Student                              30 €

All fees include the catering.


Please use this link for registration: