
ICOMOS Theory Annual Conference | 3. Philosophy of the Reception of Heritage after WW II and the Her

editor 10. Dezember 2013 Veranstaltung


Dear members of ISC 20C in post-socialist countries, dear colleagues,

our last ISC20C_CEE meeting on SocHeritage in Warsaw in April 2013 was a considerable success. In May 2013 representatives of ICOMOS ISC 20C_Europe met Sheridan Burke, the ISC 20C president, in Dubrovnik and she agreed to address a letter to all national Comittees of ICOMOS Europe and to ask for support on our SocRealism/SocModernism initiative (see the letter attached and please spread this letter to whom it may concern and ask your NC representatives for their assistance).

Prof. Dr. Sigrid Brandt, the General Secretary of ICOMOS Germany, has started to collect all papers and illustrations of the Warsaw meeting and to add examples of post-war heritage sites inscribed in the tentative lists of socialist or post socialist countries (Bealrus, Cuba, Czech Republic etc.) for a World Heritage nomniation.

One of the results of the Warsaw meeting in April was to ask Boguslaw Szmygin (ICOMOS Poland) and the ISC Theory and Philosophy of Conservation and Restoration for their assistance to organise a follow-up meeting in the frame of the annual ISC TheoPhil conference in Riga in May 2014.  The conference entitled "Heritage Trends in the Mirror of Social Change. Conservation Reality - 50 Years after Venice Charter" and will take place on 8th to 10th May 2014, organised by Prof. Ojars Sparitis and ICOMOS Latvia. One of the conference's topics is dedicated to post-war heritage (including earlier trends of SocRealism in the former Soviet Union) and "To define objective criteria for protection as a documents of time and culture the heritage of post-war architecture and environment". One of the three sections will focus on the "Philosophy of the Reception of Heritage after WW II" (section 3). More infomation you will find in the call for papers and invitation letter enclosed.

Hopefully I will meet many of you in Riga - best regards

Jörg Haspel


Dear Colleaques,

Next conference and annual meeting of the International Scientific Committee for Theory and Philosophy of Conservation and Restoration will be held in Riga (Latvia), 8-10 May 2014.

See attached letter and first information presenting details of these events.

Your sincerely,


Bogusław Szmygin

General Secretary

ISC Theory of Conservation