
Studientag Augsburg/Call for Papers

Andrea Jütten 24. April 2022 nbjb1945_call_for_papers_dt_engl._augsburg_11_2022.pdf

Call for Papers

Studientag Augsburg


In the view of the successful initiative for a DFG-"Netzwerk Bauforschung

Jüngere Baubestände 1945+ (" , which was founded in

2018 by a group of scholars from various disciplines including architecture,

historic preservation, art history and civil engineering, it is worthwhile to

take stock of the current state of research on young building heritage in

international contexts. The focus of the DFG network's planned study day in

the fall of 2022 will be on large-scale buildings of politics, education,

culture and sports, including city halls, city and convention halls, theater

buildings, opera houses, museums, schools, sports stadiums, swimming

pools and scientific laboratories. As solitairy buildings in the urban fabric,

they represented a bulk of cultural experience for the myth of open

(educational) societies in East and West. At the same time, these large

buildings are under great pressure to change in the course of current

transformation processes.

For the study day in the 2012 renovated Congress Hall in

Augsburg/Germany (today: Congress am Park), we request contributions

that touch on the following questions:

  • In view of the sheer abundance of buildings - most of which were

expressions of far-reaching utopias and ideals after 1945 - is it now

necessary to research more "mass instead of class"?

  • How can the inventory, the constructions, the building materials

used be recorded, how can they be interpreted and evaluated?

  • Do new evaluation criteria relevant to building history necessarily

have to be found?

  • And are new (network-oriented) methods to be developed for the

research of the inventory?

  • Or can building history, building research and monument

preservation fall back on the familiar instruments for "building in

the existing fabric"?

  • What is the significance of ecological and economic questions?

What perspectives are opened up by digitization?

  • What are the advantages of participatory design in young cultural


Für den Studientag in der Augsburger Kongresshalle (heute: Kongress am

Park) erbitten wir Beiträge zu folgenden Fragen:

  • Muss man angesichts der schier unübersehbaren Fülle an Bauten –

die nach 1945 zumeist Ausdruck weitgespannter Utopien und Ideale

waren – nun mehr „Masse statt Klasse“ erforschen?

  • Wie lassen sich die Bestände, die Konstruktionen, die verwendeten

Baumaterialien erfassen, wie lassen sie sich deuten und bewerten?

  • Müssen zwangläufig neue bauhistorisch relevante

Bewertungskriterien gefunden werden?

  • Und sind neue (netzwerkorientierte) Methoden für die Erforschung

des Bestandes zu entwickeln?

  • Oder können Baugeschichte, Bauforschung und Denkmalpflege auf

das bekannte Instrumentarium für ein „Bauen im Bestand“


  • Welche Bedeutung haben dabei ökologischen und ökonomischen


  • Was für Perspektiven eröffnen sich durch die Digitalisierung?
  • Welche Vorteile bringt ein partizipatives Entwerfen im Bestand des

jungen Kulturerbes?

Themenfelder/Sektionen des Studientags

„Monuments for Future in Practice – Positionen zum Umgang mit jungen

Baudenkmalen“ (Augsburg, 18.11.2022)

  1. Analog und Digital: Bestanderfassung und Bestandsdokumentation junger Baubestände
  2. Evidenz und Konsequenz: Bauforschung und denkmalpflegerische Entscheidungswege
  3. Serie und Maßstab: Systemische Fragen der Denkmalpflege im Klimawandel
  4. Erhaltung und Transformation: Case Studies im Bauen im Bestand junger Denkmale


17.11. (Abendvortrag)

18.11.2022 (Studientag)

19.11.2022 (Busexkursion, wenn möglich)

Der Studientag wird einem hybriden Format stattfinden, so dass je nach

Lage der Pandemie alle Präsentationen online oder in Präsenz vor Ort


Bitte senden Sie Vorschläge für Beiträge

in Form eines Exposés von max.

2.500 Zeichen bzw. einer Arbeitsprobe bis zum 24. April 2021 an:

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Die Auswahl der Beiträge erfolgt bis zum 5. Mai 2022. Eine Publikation ist

geplant: Beiträge, die schon bis zum 15. Juli 2022 (max. 25.000 Zeichen)

ausgearbeitet sind, können für die Veröffentlichung berücksichtigt werden.

Wichtige Fristen:

Einsendung Beitragsvorschläge: 24. April 2022

Einsendung ausgearbeiteter Beiträge: 15. Juli 2022

Registrierung möglich bis: 16. November 2022

Studientag-Termin: 17./18/19.November 2022

///English Version///

One-day-symposion / Forum Building Research Modernism II

"1972/2022 MONUMENTS FOR FUTURE IN PRACTICE" - On dealing with

young monuments of modernism

In the course of current questions about social justice and climate change

the resource of architecture, i.e. the building stock, is increasingly

becoming the focus of broadly conducted sustainability debates. When

discussing cycle assessment, CO2 emissions and operational efficiency, the

most frequently criticized examples of architecture are those, dating from

the 1960s and 1970s, the so called “Post-War-Modernism”.

Despite an immense wealth of research approaches on the various

tendencies of modernism between "International Style" and "Brutalism",

there has been a lack of knowledge so far above all about the concrete

foundations of modern building after 1945+, in particular about

constructions, materials and building methods. This addresses

methodological core competencies of building research to be able to

develop binding renovation and preservation strategies for practice in the

first place.

In the view of the successful initiative for a DFG-"Netzwerk Bauforschung

Jüngere Baubestände 1945+ (" , which was founded in

2018 by a group of scholars from various disciplines including architecture,

historic preservation, art history and civil engineering, it is worthwhile to

take stock of the current state of research on young building heritage in

international contexts. The focus of the DFG network's planned study day in

the fall of 2022 will be on large-scale buildings of politics, education,

culture and sports, including city halls, city and convention halls, theater

buildings, opera houses, museums, schools, sports stadiums, swimming

pools and scientific laboratories. As solitairy buildings in the urban fabric,

they represented a bulk of cultural experience for the myth of open

(educational) societies in East and West. At the same time, these large

buildings are under great pressure to change in the course of current

transformation processes.

For the study day in the 2012 renovated Congress Hall in

Augsburg/Germany (today: Congress am Park), we request contributions

that touch on the following questions:

  • In view of the sheer abundance of buildings - most of which were

expressions of far-reaching utopias and ideals after 1945 - is it now

necessary to research more "mass instead of class"?

  • How can the inventory, the constructions, the building materials

used be recorded, how can they be interpreted and evaluated?

  • Do new evaluation criteria relevant to building history necessarily

have to be found?

  • And are new (network-oriented) methods to be developed for the

research of the inventory?

  • Or can building history, building research and monument

preservation fall back on the familiar instruments for "building in

the existing fabric"?

  • What is the significance of ecological and economic questions?

What perspectives are opened up by digitization?

  • What are the advantages of participatory design in young cultural


Thematic fields/sections of the study day

"Monuments for Future in Practice - Positions on dealing with young

architectural monuments" (Augsburg, 18.11.2022):

  1. analog and digital: inventory and documentation of young building stock
  2. evidence and consequence: building research and decision-making

processes in monument preservation

  1. series and scale: systemic issues of historic preservation (in climate


  1. preservation and transformation: case studies of building in the stock of

young monuments


22/11/17 (evening lecture)

22/11/18 (One-day-Symposion)

22/11/19 (bus excursion, if possible)

The conference will be held in a hybrid format, so that presentations can be

delivered online or face-to-face, depending on the pandemic situation.

Please send proposals for contributions in the form of a synopsis of max.

2,500 characters or a sample of your work and a short CV by April 24, 2022


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The selection of the contributions will take place by May 05, 2022.

A publication is planned. Contributions (max. 25,000 characters) which are

submitted by 15 July 2022 will be considered.

Important deadlines are:

Paper Submission Deadline: 24 April 2022

Publication Submission Deadline: 15 July 2022

Registration Deadline: 16 November 2022

Conference Dates: 17/18 November 2022

We encourage you to invite colleagues to participate in the conference.

Contact Adress:

DFG-Netzwerk Bauforschung Jüngere Baubestände 1945+

DFG-Network Building research younger building stock 1945+

Sprecher/Speaker PD Dr. Olaf Gisbertz, ao. BDA

TU BRAUNSCHWEIG, Institut für Baugeschichte

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